The female protagonist, Fujiwara Chiaki, was one of the responsible scientists for Shinto exploration. The remnants of Shinto sites were akin to ritualistic sanctuaries where witchcraft seemed to have been practised, filled with a mysterious energy. On both sides of the entrance, there were withered trees and skulls. A mechanical Buddha statue opened its mouth and swallowed Kiaki.
Chiaki tumbled into a desert. and standing before her is a towering skeletal mummy that reached into the sky. On either side, Inari deities hold scriptures in their mouths. She recited an incantation from Shintoism toward the skeletal mummy, and the stone torii gate at the entrance slowly opened, revealing the path to the tomb.​​​​​​​
Shinto shrine
When Akimoto reached the age of 25, his existence was discovered by the higher-ups, who considered him an extremely dangerous threat and a critical subject for experimentation. Consequently, they dispatched a special forces unit with the goal of capturing Akimoto and bringing him back to the laboratory for research. A significant battle unfolded between the two sides at the Shinto shrine. During the battle, Akimoto's spiritual power was significantly depleted due to the intense combat.
The special forces possessed formidable combat capabilities. Each member had been enhanced with various mechanical weapons due to being modified individuals. Despite Akira's powerful spiritual power, his youth rendered him unable to control it effectively. In the battle against the special forces, he gradually became overwhelmed. It pushed him to his limits. Simultaneously, Chiaki found herself sealed within the temple.
In their dire straits, a former core member of the militant faction, a monk with a mechanical arm, came to Akira's aid. During this battle, he witnessed the power of Shinto divine energy and was filled with reverence. Despite having carried out unsavoury deeds for the militant faction in the past, he retained a sense of conscience deep within, unwilling to be a mere puppet of the higher-ups. He gradually shifted his allegiance towards the faction that respected the divine power. After a fierce battle, the monk sacrificed his life during the fight, unlocking the mechanisms of the temple in the process. By doing so, he freed himself from the depths of guilt.
As the monk's sacrifice led to the release of the temple's mechanisms, Akira and Chiaki managed to successfully reunite amidst the chaos.​​​​​​​

This portfolio emphasis on the environment design. These are the thumbnails of this story. They are combined with six places, there are Ruins, Tomb, Laboratory, Shinto Shrine of Kamiji-Yama in Ise, Temple and Flower House.
The characters are Akimoto Akira( The resurgent)  and Fujiwara Chiaki (The female scientist) and a mechanical monk(previous corp).
Fujiwara Kiaki

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